Average age of population in neighbourhood.
Using open source data provided by the City of Toronto, this project is used to show differing trends among the neighbourhoods in the city. When available, historical data is also added onto the website.
For any inquires or questions please contact me here.
Hope you enjoy using this website and find use in the data.
To decide a category to view, select through the menu on the left side.
You are able to change the color scheme in the bottom-left of the screen. These two colors represent the two ends of the data presented.
When viewing the map, hover over a neighbourhood to view information about that neighbourhood. Hovering also shows a redline on the legend graph on the right side. The legend categorizes the data linearly by default (each legend color is a equal amount from the other). Hover over the legend to show how many neighbourhoods are in each legend category. For certain data it helps visualize it to view the data through the percentile view. This insures that each color in the legend has a equal amount of neighbourhoods on the screen.
When available, you can switch to view the average and median of the data.
For category data where enough historical data is available (crime / crisis), hover over the neighbourhood to view the trend of that demographic data over time. Use the slider bar under the graph to have the map show a specific year of data as well.